The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us (2010)

My first book reading up on psychology. This book is written by psychologists Christopher Chabris and Dave Simons who gave us the famous Invisible Gorilla Experiment seen on youtube and other psychology sites.

I thought it was a really easy and interesting read and I came to know more about inattentional blindness and the limits of human visual perception, and how this affects even memory and a lot of what we know. (For example, what we THINK we know is usually grossly overestimated in cases, from what we actually know, and the higher level skills we possess relates to our ability to accurately judge our actual skill level)

 A great and entertaining read. It'a humbling to know more about the human psyche and how bias and perception effect our ability to learn and what we think we know. 


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